
Harald Nielsen was a Danish silversmith and designer born in 1892.

From the beginning Harald Nielsens plan was to become a painter but being the brother in law to Georg Jensen, he was the younger brother of Georg Jensens third wife Johanne, he changed his mind. Joining his brother in law in the company he started designing silver.

Harald Nielsen and Georg Jensen worked closely together and expanded the business. At Georg Jensens death in 1935 Harald Nielsen also became the artistic leader of the Georg Jensen Sølvsmedie.

He designed both hollow ware, jewellery and flatware. He is the designer of one of Georg Jensens most famous flatware models "Pyramid".

His background as an artist came in to use since Georg Jensen and Johan Rohde often left rough sketches for items that Harald Nielsen then made more detailed blueprints of enabling the silversmiths to turn the sketches into items.

Harald Nielsen was also in charge of the apprentices at Georg Jensen which was an important role making sure they could recruit talented silversmiths and young upcoming designers. He was responsible for the recruitment of Henning Koppel.

Harald Nielsen passed away in 1977.